Hemp – Discover The Healing Properties Of The Herb (Part 2)


The article deals with the healing qualities of hemp (Cannabis Sativa). It describes simple guidelines on how to use the herb when dealing with various diseases.

Hemp chaff and fruits are used externally as emollient and anodyne remedy, as well as, for compresses in case of rheumatism, mastitis, radiculitis and bone fracture.
Pestle hemp seeds and mix the powder with lard. Smear the bad areas with the paste to treat burn, swelling and boil.
Mix hemp oil with honey and put it on wart.
Reduce hemp fruits to small pieces and use them to make a decoction. The decoction is used for eye compress in case of conjunctivitis.
Hemp butter is used to treat impotence.
Hemp fruit extract has not only emollient properties, but also anti-inflammatory action. Decoction made of hemp fruits should be used to treat strong cough. Moreover, you can use it as a gargle and mouth rinse to deal with angina.
Hemp oil, as well as, flax oil, is used to make calcareous liniment (proportion 1:7) CBD OIL. The liniment is proven to be of great help when dealing with burn.
Hemp contains phytin. This substance is used in case of nervous exhaustion, diathesis, anemia, hypotension, cachexy, rachitis, osteomalacia, impotence and other diseases. It is due to the fact that phytin contains phosphorus, calcium and magnesium salts related to organic substances.

Hemp is cultivated in garden between fruit trees to protect them from vermin and diseases. It is due to the essential oil hemp tops release.

Cannabis Indica is a form of hemp. The growth and use of it is prohibited in various countries. However, the plant has been used for medical purposes throughout history. Queen Victoria referred to the herb as to the best pain-killer and it was commonly used to relieve menstrual pain and cramps. Nowadays, the use of the plant for medical purposes is allowed in some countries. It is used to treat various diseases, for instance, AIDS and cancer (during the course of chemotherapy).

Cannabis Indica is a herb native to areas around the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, Caucasus, China, Iran, Northern India, Central Asia and Mexico. There are various species of the herb created during the selection. Herbs growing in hot areas with increased solar radiation (for instance, mountainous areas) are said to contain the most of active substances. You should collect tops of female Cannabis Indica plants at the beginning of the florescence and formation of the fruits. It is due to the fact that herbs release the most of resinous substances during that period of time.